The PERFECT Breakfast Ideas To Get Shredded

have something really exciting today
we’re gonna show you the perfect
breakfast concoction to burn off
that stubborn belly fat all right all
you’re gonna need is
quite a bit of apple cider vinegar
we’re going to use about 17 drops of
lime juice
14 15 16 17. and then we’re going to use
a heaping tablespoon
of cayenne pepper in this this is key
there you have it you’re gonna mix it
all up and i know what you’re thinking
jeremy this

is gonna taste disgusting and you know
what it is going to but
it’s all gonna be worth it to lose those
stubborn belly fat and those love hats
who the are you and what are you
doing on my bill with science set
or what what is that nasty trick dude
you and your bro signs you need to leave
right now
already guys that was a close one but
just trust me it’s a real jeremy here
now and today i want to share some much
better breakfast ideas and ones that’ll
actually aid you in your quest to burn
off that stubborn fat
now breakfast itself has gone from being
the most important meal of the day to
now not even necessary with the rise in
popularity of various eating styles like
intermittent fasting
how do you know which approach to take
well the truth is that this ultimately
depends on what approach you find
easiest for you to use to adhere to your
calories for the remainder of the day

with that being said though choosing to
include a breakfast with the right
composition of protein
fats and carbs it does for some seem to
have potential indirect fat loss
benefits by providing greater satiety
and reducing cravings throughout the day
especially if you do habitually include
breakfast as part of your daily regimen
in addition not only is it now well
accepted by most that skipping breakfast
can lead to decrements and performance
if you’re trained in the morning
one recent 2020 study showed how it may
still negatively affect performance in
the evening within the study they had
groups of elite athletes eat the same
amount of calories and macros before
their evening cycling workout
the only difference was the distribution
of these calories and macros
with one group skipping breakfast and
the other group including it
and what they found was that the
breakfast skippers experienced a small
but still
significant negative effect on their
power output and also reported that
their workout in general especially in
the beginning just felt harder than
now although this wasn’t a resistance
training workout and was done on a group
of habitual breakfast eaters
it does highlight the potential
importance of consuming a well composed
first meal
earlier in the day in order to maximize
performance regardless of when your
workout is
especially if you’re currently used to
doing that already
but regardless of when exactly you
choose to eat your breakfast or if you
choose to include it at all
what seems to be most important is that
your first meal of the day contains an
adequate amount of protein to keep you
full an adequate amount of the right
types of carbs based on your workout
all while best catering to your
lifestyle so what i’m going to do in
this video is i’m going to run through
quick healthy and easy breakfast ideas
and go through what scenarios each of
these meals are ideal for
and what i’m also going to do is i’m
going to show you just the base recipe
for each of these meals
and then show you the different ways
that you can add to it so that you can
customize it based on your taste
and target calories and macros for the
day think of it like buying a base model
car and then adding whatever bells of
whistles you want to
depending on your budget so this first
recipe is one that i’ve recently been
loving because of how quick and easy it
is to make
the fast digesting carbs and protein and
the minimal fat and fiber content in
this meal makes it the ideal choice if
you train early in the morning
and just need something quick and easy
and not too filling shortly before your
to help enhance your performance and
recovery and because of its fast
digestion properties it’s also a great
post workout meal option
if you do choose to train faster during
your morning workout
now if you’ve never tried protein coffee
i know it may sound weird but just trust
me on this
it tastes amazing and it eliminates the
need for any cream or sweetener
but to end up with a smooth consistency
like this
instead of the clumpy consistency that
you usually get when you mix hot liquid
with protein powder
then pay attention to the following
details first add a scoop of whey
protein into a cup
whey isolate is your best bet here to
prevent any clumping
and as for flavor i personally use
french vanilla and it pairs perfectly
with coffee
then what you want to do is just add two
tablespoons of cold water to the cup
and mix with the spoon until the protein
fully dissolves into a thick paste
this step is key for that smooth
consistency once that’s done slowly pour
in a cup or two of black coffee while
stirring simultaneously and continue
stirring until
no clubs are present
now as for your carbs we’ll use a base
recipe of three rice cakes topped with
one sliced banana and a dash of cinnamon
if you want some added flavor and
texture then feel free to add one to two
servings of peanut butter
or a powdered peanut butter like pb2 as
a spread on the rice cakes
the next recipe is something that’s been
getting quite a bit of tension lately
and is the perfect option for high
protein low carb breakfast for those who
want to save more carbs for later on in
the day
and aren’t going to be training
immediately after it’s basically an
egg omelet but made into a tasty wrap so
for the base recipe all you’re going to
need are three whole eggs and a handful
of spinach
blend these together with some salt and
pepper and then cook on low to medium
heat on a non-stick pan until fully
cooked through
then what you choose to top this with is
totally up to you but just do so
in each of the four sections shown here
i personally add a serving of either
cheese or avocado
some seared mushrooms and peppers and a
small amount of baked chicken breasts to
bump up the protein count
once you’ve got your toppings down cut a
little slit down from the middle of the
and then simply fold each side like so
to create an easy to eat wrap
and if you want to make this meal lower
in fat you can easily swap the three
whole eggs for roughly three fourths a
cup of egg whites instead
or just use a combination of both
the last recipe we have is a great
option if you’d like to prep your
breakfast for multiple days in advance
as it can be easily stored in the fridge
and will be ready to eat whenever
given the slow digestion properties of
this meal it makes it the ideal choice
if you’re going to be working out a
couple hours after this meal
or just later on in the day you’ll also
notice that this recipe is relatively
higher in calories than our previous
which makes it a good option to front
load your calories with
a method where you actually eat a good
portion of your daily calories in your
first meal
some research has shown that this is
beneficial on reducing your hunger and
while increasing your overall energy
levels throughout the day and hence
may better enable you to adhere to your
diet and burn more calories through
in fact in a longitudinal weight loss
study they actually found that
subjects who use this front loading
approach lost more weight and reduce
their weight size to a greater degree
while reporting greater hunger control
over a period of 12 weeks
this will vary individually though but i
do recommend experimenting with it
and this recipe is the perfect way to do
so all you’re going to do is you’re
going to grab a mason jar or tupperware
if you don’t have any jars
and stuff it with all the following
ingredients to make our base recipe
two-thirds a cup of dry oats one scoop
protein powder flavor of your choice i’m
going to be using chocolate here
one teaspoon of chia seeds 50 grams of
plain greek yogurt splash of vanilla
a quarter cup of stevia or tablespoon of
honey for some extra sweetness
and half a cup of cashew milk or any
milk of your choice

now if or what you choose to add from
here is totally up to you
what i personally like to add is one
serving of peanut butter
half a diced apple half a sliced banana
and a small
handful of almonds mix it all up store
them in the fridge and it’ll be ready to
eat in a few hours
making it a great way to quickly prep
your breakfast for the whole week
and there you have it for your
convenience i’ve also compiled these
recipes into a breakfast recipe book
with ingredients lists and step-by-step
instructions for each of the recipes
shown to download it you can just head
on over to
forward slash breakfast pdf and we’ll
send it right over to you
now just also keep in mind that this is
just one meal for your whole day
and it’s your whole day’s worth of
calories that will govern whether you
lose fat or not
so experiment with these meals and use
the ones that will best cater to you and
your lifestyle

and best enable you to adhere to your
calorie deficit for the rest of the day
as that is what’s key to losing that
stubborn fat over time
now for a step-by-step program that
shows you not only how to train but also
comes with a nutrition software
designed to show you exactly how much to
eat week after week to transform your
body as efficiently as possible
and simply head on over to and take our analysis

to discover the best systematic approach
for you and your specific body
anyways that’s it for today guys i hope
you enjoyed the video i hope you enjoyed
the recipes
try them out let me know what you think
and don’t forget to show your support on
the video by giving the video a like
leaving a comment down below as to what
you’d like to see me cover next
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notifications for the channel as well as
this all really does help me out and
it’s much appreciated
thank you so much guys and i’ll see you
next time are we done
do we we got him we got him all right

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