Easy and Healthy Breakfast Ideas for School!!

School has started. Today, I’m going to show you 5 easy and healthy breakfast recipes for school. I’m sure you’ll love them.
Hey everyone, welcome to my channel. My name is Nicole. As the title says, I’m going to show you 5 easy and healthy breakfast recipes. Are you going to school today? Write it in the comments. Are you in high school? Are you in middle school? Are you going to college? Or maybe you’ve graduated from school and are just looking for new healthy and easy breakfast recipes. No matter which category you fall into, you’re in the right place. Today, I’m super excited to show you how to make these recipes. I’m going to show you 5 super delicious recipes. If it excites you, give this video a thumbs up. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button. I post every week so you don’t miss any of the videos. Let’s get started. I have one more special announcement. If you didn’t know, I send out the Nomad newsletter every month.

It’s a super fun newsletter, and it’s basically like a happiness bomb that arrives in your inbox. It comes with a free eBook with five new recipes once a month and daily encouraging photos of your puppies and all that other really awesome stuff. So if you want to be the first to get all the important info that’s going on with Nicole the Nomad, be sure to sign up. It’s completely free at nicolanomad.com. Okay, so this smoothie’s melted, let’s get to the video. Overnight Oats. Okay, so let’s start with two of my favorite overnight oats recipes. This is my favorite kitchen hack. If you’ve never done this, it will blow your mind in an instant when your jar of almond butter or peanut butter or nut butter starts to get a little empty. When you find yourself in that sad situation where all you’re left with is a little nut butter left inside and you can’t get the rest out, I’m a firm believer that nut butter should not be left behind. So I always use an empty

nut butter jar to make overnight oats because when you soak it overnight, all the excess nut butter soaks into the oatmeal so it doesn’t go to waste and you get the most out of the jar. So, I’m going to show you two of my favorite recipes. It’s super easy, and the best thing about this school-friendly recipe is that you can make it the night before. When you wake up in the morning, just grab this from the fridge and you’re ready to go. First, put a half cup of rolled oats in a jar and add a little vanilla. A tablespoon of chia seeds, half a speckled banana, and a little bit of cinnamon. Fill the jar about halfway with almond milk. Now, mash the banana into the oatmeal with a fork and stir it well. Now, screw the lid on and give it a little shake. And that’s it. All you have to do is let it sit in the fridge overnight. Next up are chocolate peanut butter overnight oats. This is what’s left of a jar of Justin’s Honey Peanut Butter. It’s a very tasty peanut butter. If you’ve never had it, this is the same. First, prepare about a half cup of oatmeal. A tablespoon of chia seeds, and a tablespoon of cocoa powder. The next two are optional, but if you want a little more energy and power in your day, you can add a scoop. Chocolate Protein Powder

As always, I use 310 Nutrition. I love their protein. I’ll put a link in the description box below, so you can check it out. Then I also put in a tablespoon of this peanut powder. This just adds to the peanut flavor of the overnight oatmeal, but again, if you don’t want to put it in, you can leave it out altogether. You can also put in a scoop of peanut butter if you like. This will give you some extra protein and help you stay full at school. Just like last time, fill it about halfway. Just enough to stir. Take a fork and mix everything together.

And that’s it. Put the lid on, give it a little shake, and leave the same in the fridge overnight. It’s so easy. Next, I’m going to make avocado toast. This is a little twist. Avocado toast is something I’ve done before on my channel, but I haven’t done it in a long time.

Oh, I got the perfect one. Seriously, there’s no better feeling than opening a perfect avocado. That’s why I like to use rice cakes instead of bread. Now, listen. Take some lightly salted rice cakes, take half an avocado, scoop out the inside, and put it on top. You have to be a little careful because the rice cakes are quite fragile, but this is the best way to make avocado toast. I don’t really like bread, but if you like bread and that’s what you like, put it on bread. But I’m going to mash this avocado, and just for fun, draw a line here, draw a line there, sprinkle some coarse flour on it.

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